Arabiс religious poetry — defining and periodization problems


  • Софья Рустэмовна Усеинова St. Petersburg State University, 7-9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation


The article discusses several issues relating to the definition, content, development and periodization of a vast body of poetry broadly described as religious. First, various genres and sub-genres of religious poetry are briefly listed together with several issues pertaining to them, which have, for the most part, received scant attention from scientists in the field and have only been cursorily discussed in major publications on Arabic literature. Those issues, therefore, remain largely unresolved. Next, an overview of the available descriptions and definitions of Sufi poetry is made and the relevant publications discussed in some detail; the discussion aims at clearing some points which seem rather vague or regarding which precise if not altogether well-grounded statements had previously been made. Finally the author proceeds to describe, by way of example, the Diwan of an Arab Sufi poet Abd al-Rahim al-Bura‘i (d. 1403). The aim is twofold, i.e., 1) to throw some light on a poet widely known in the Middle East and almost totally neglected in the West; and 2) to highlight some relevant points and problems in religious poetry periodization. Hereby the author hopes to ground the following point: in-depth study of individual diwans can bring fruitful results in the course of enhancing and, if need be, redefining our conceptions of Arabic religious poetry. Refs 27.


Arabic religious poetry, Sufi poetry (definition, specific features), madih nabawi, al-Bura‘i, poetry in honour of the Prophet Muhammad


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How to Cite

Усеинова, С. Р. (2014). Arabiс religious poetry — defining and periodization problems. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Asian and African Studies, (2), 39–52. Retrieved from



Periodization of literatures of the peoples of Asia and Africa