Arabic sources on the history of Egypt under mamluks at the manuscript’s department of the Berlin State Library


  • Милана Юрьевна Илюшина St. Petersburg State University, 7-9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation


The manuscript’s department of the Berlin State Library covers a wide range of different sources. Some of them are of particular interest. The article includes a description of unpublished anonymous work “A book of purls”. The first part of this Book is a brief history of Bahri sultans (1250–1382), in the second part one can find some practical legal advice, while the third is a panegyric, written especially for sultan Barquq (1382–1399). An ingenious urjuza on the mamluk sultans was composed by Shams al-Din Khatib in the period of rule of sultan Barsbay (1422–1438) and then continued by a nephew of Shams al-Din Khatib, Muhammad al-Ba‘uni in two more urjuza’s. The “threlogy” is an autograph of Muhammad al-Ba‘uni, written in the third quarter of 16th century. In a work titled “The sun of Magrib” of Badr al-Din al-Damimini (1362–1425) there are copies of documents and letters giving some information not mentioned in well-known chronicles. Some treaties on furusiyya are described and partly translated. The most important ones are unpublished texts, which have not been studied before. Refs 13.


Arabic manuscripts, mamluks, Egypt


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How to Cite

Илюшина, М. Ю. (2014). Arabic sources on the history of Egypt under mamluks at the manuscript’s department of the Berlin State Library. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Asian and African Studies, (1), 35–43. Retrieved from



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