The Image of Chichikov in the Works of Raphael Patkanyan


  • Albert A. Makaryan Yerevan State University
  • Astghik V. Soghoyan Institute of Literature after Manuk Abeghyan of National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia



The article examines the influence of the famous Russian writer N. V. Gogol on the prose of the Armenian writer R. G. Patkanyan. The subject of the research are Gogol’s poem “Dead Souls”, Patkanian’s novel “Ambitious”, the play “Pampulius” and the story “Armenian Chichikov”. One of the key issues is the study of Armenian transformations of the Chichikov type, its similarities and differences in comparison with the Russian prototype. Historical-comparative, comparative, structural-morphological methods are used as the methodological basis of the study: the works were considered according to their content and structure. The article examines the connections and relationships between Russian and Armenian literature at a new level, as well as the influence of Russian literature in general: it studies Gogol’s literary school outside Russia, which had various ideological, philosophical and artistic influence on the works of Armenian writers and on Patkanyan in particular. One of the main problems of the article is the question of choosing and characterizing a scoundrel hero, since Patkanyan, under the influence of Gogol, also puts a person striving for wealth at the center of his works and builds his plot around him. The morphological commonalities of the works are also considered: entry into the city, establishing connections with influential people, successes, disclosure of negative plans, escape. As a separate issue, the problem of marriage for money is also investigated: the characters guided by a simple thirst for power are looking for a bride with a rich dowry. By following Gogol’ example, Patkanian also portrays the negative aspects of Armenia and Armenian reality and criticizes them trying to offer possible solutions to these problems. Being a student of the Gogol school, Patkanyan follows the example of the latter and in various issues and techniques of artistic generalization follows the same literary path, but he is not copying it: in his works, Patkanyan offers independent and unique solutions.


N. V. Gogol; R. G. Patkanyan; Chichikov; Altmazov; scoundrel hero; literary connections; Armenian literature; the influence of Russian literature


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How to Cite

Makaryan, A. A., & Soghoyan, A. V. (2023). The Image of Chichikov in the Works of Raphael Patkanyan. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Asian and African Studies, 15(2), 275–287.