Military and political expansion of Mamluk Sultanat in the Middle East: sultan Beibars (1260–1277)


  • Евгений Ильич Зеленев National Research University Higher School of Economics
  • Милана Юрьевна Илюшина St. Petersburg State University, 7-9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation


The publication is based on Arabic sources, classic and contemporary works by Russian and foreign scientists. One of the most important Arabic sources is a chronicle “Zubdat al-Fikra fi Ta’rikh al-Hijra” by Beibars al-Mansuri (d. in 1325), who was of mamluk origin. The article is concerned with a period of severe struggle between Muslims and the armies of Crusarder and Mongol. Sultan Beibars waged a successful war on two fronts. He defeated the Mongols and the Cilician kingdom of Lesser Armenia, his armies annexed Nubia, Beibars took Caesarea, Arsuf, Jaffa, captured Safad and other cities, thus, he threw the Franks back from most of their strongholds in Syria and expanded the territory of the Mamluk State. Having made Cairo the residence of Abbasid caliphs, Beibars stabilized his power and made it legitimate. To study mamluk phenomenon the article suggests a concept of geocultural space.


the Mamluks, sultan Beibars, Egypt, Syria, geoculture


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How to Cite

Зеленев, Е. И., & Илюшина, М. Ю. (2013). Military and political expansion of Mamluk Sultanat in the Middle East: sultan Beibars (1260–1277). Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Asian and African Studies, (3), 41–53. Retrieved from



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